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I watched a movie tonight about magicians and illution called "the prestige", very well done film. and michael caine has no equal. it got me thinking about the real master of illution, the father of lies.
Our enemy employs trickery greater than any earthly magician, but in the end, truth prevails. Pharoah's magicians were no match for the power of God, and Christians today have access to that power. It is the power of Love,..the wisdom and discernment and many other gifts only His children are recipiants of.
In reality, what the best illutionists do, david blaine, copperfield , whoever, is decieve. make you think something is real when it isn't. since reality is greater than illution, then truth is greater than trickery. so that we as God's children have a distinct advantage when dealing with the angel of light. the bible says we are mindful of his devices, and our heavenly Father dispenses wisdom and discernment from above that acts as a defense and security , protecting us from satan's lies and tricks no matter how sinister and deceptive. God can play the game too though, and in the end times He will send a strong delution that they should believe a lie (2 thes 2:11) ........This isnt because God is cruel, but God will hasten the end and those who are willingly blind will be quickly snared and lost,.......... matthew 24:24 says there will arise false christs and false prophets with great signs and wonders that if it were possible, even the very elect will be fooled. the "if" implies that it is not possible for those who love Him to be fooled. His sheep know His voice and they will not follow the voice of a stranger. Eventually the anti-christ himself will be able to do miracles and call fire from the sky.(rev 13:13-14)
Also tonight i encountered, as i have a thousand times, one who was naming the name of Christ but denying the power. this made me think in connection with the father of lies, there is a deception perpetrated on us so often. One will "come into your love feasts and sit with you" as jude puts it,..yet they are a wolf in sheep's clothing, seeking to rend the flock as wolves do, and doing it covertly. In 2 corinthians 11:13-15 paul speaks deceitful workers who are satan's servants, saying "why should it come as a surprise to you?,..isn't their master the angel of light?"
I've taken notice tonight of something very insidious and evil, that these satanic messangers who feign to be Christians have certain tricks they play every time. they will say they are Christian, and when you call them on the carpet for their rotten fruit,.immediately they turn it back on you and say you are the one who isnt showing love, judging, out of your mind, or a false Christian yourself. this is deliberate. it is meant to take you off your game and get you thinking about yourself instead of focussing on the Spiritual battle at hand. it's the magician's slight of hand. getting your attention away from what's really taking place. its a divertion. a common tactic of the devil to confuse you and derail you.
Chrisitans are called clearly in the scriptures to expose error when those who name the name of Christ are shaming Him. We're taught by God in His word to point out heresy and rebuke it. But the illutionist of light has the agenda of using jedi mind tricks to heap distracting emotional comments on you and disrupt the Godly message you bring. dont let him do it.
The curtain will soon come down on this magic act from hell we witness here on earth every day, and WE will be the ones doing the disappearing act. The magician might tell you the hand is quicker than the eye, but Jesus will return like lightning coming out of the east and shining to the west He said (mat 24:27), in the twinkling of an eye. and He also said that's how fast the grand illutionist falls from heaven when His children boldly work in His name. (luke 10:18)
Glory and honor and power to the Lamb.
Our enemy employs trickery greater than any earthly magician, but in the end, truth prevails. Pharoah's magicians were no match for the power of God, and Christians today have access to that power. It is the power of Love,..the wisdom and discernment and many other gifts only His children are recipiants of.
In reality, what the best illutionists do, david blaine, copperfield , whoever, is decieve. make you think something is real when it isn't. since reality is greater than illution, then truth is greater than trickery. so that we as God's children have a distinct advantage when dealing with the angel of light. the bible says we are mindful of his devices, and our heavenly Father dispenses wisdom and discernment from above that acts as a defense and security , protecting us from satan's lies and tricks no matter how sinister and deceptive. God can play the game too though, and in the end times He will send a strong delution that they should believe a lie (2 thes 2:11) ........This isnt because God is cruel, but God will hasten the end and those who are willingly blind will be quickly snared and lost,.......... matthew 24:24 says there will arise false christs and false prophets with great signs and wonders that if it were possible, even the very elect will be fooled. the "if" implies that it is not possible for those who love Him to be fooled. His sheep know His voice and they will not follow the voice of a stranger. Eventually the anti-christ himself will be able to do miracles and call fire from the sky.(rev 13:13-14)
Also tonight i encountered, as i have a thousand times, one who was naming the name of Christ but denying the power. this made me think in connection with the father of lies, there is a deception perpetrated on us so often. One will "come into your love feasts and sit with you" as jude puts it,..yet they are a wolf in sheep's clothing, seeking to rend the flock as wolves do, and doing it covertly. In 2 corinthians 11:13-15 paul speaks deceitful workers who are satan's servants, saying "why should it come as a surprise to you?,..isn't their master the angel of light?"
I've taken notice tonight of something very insidious and evil, that these satanic messangers who feign to be Christians have certain tricks they play every time. they will say they are Christian, and when you call them on the carpet for their rotten fruit,.immediately they turn it back on you and say you are the one who isnt showing love, judging, out of your mind, or a false Christian yourself. this is deliberate. it is meant to take you off your game and get you thinking about yourself instead of focussing on the Spiritual battle at hand. it's the magician's slight of hand. getting your attention away from what's really taking place. its a divertion. a common tactic of the devil to confuse you and derail you.
Chrisitans are called clearly in the scriptures to expose error when those who name the name of Christ are shaming Him. We're taught by God in His word to point out heresy and rebuke it. But the illutionist of light has the agenda of using jedi mind tricks to heap distracting emotional comments on you and disrupt the Godly message you bring. dont let him do it.
The curtain will soon come down on this magic act from hell we witness here on earth every day, and WE will be the ones doing the disappearing act. The magician might tell you the hand is quicker than the eye, but Jesus will return like lightning coming out of the east and shining to the west He said (mat 24:27), in the twinkling of an eye. and He also said that's how fast the grand illutionist falls from heaven when His children boldly work in His name. (luke 10:18)
Glory and honor and power to the Lamb.